A Virtual Account (VA) is an account created and assigned to your customers, e.g. a main distributor or buyer. This makes it easy for your company to differentiate each payment from the payment source. Payments made to a VA will be automatically directed into the account registered for that VA.
Instant credit
After UQPAY receives the VA account credit notification through the bank API, it will automatically synchronize the credit to the fund account.
Stick out a mile
After login to the UQPAY platform, you can view all fund flow records and account balances in the currencies.
Multi-Currency Account
The VA account supports multi-currency, and the UQPAY system will automatically create a corresponding currency fund account, e.g. SGD, USD, AUD, CAD, CNH, HKD, NZD, GBP, NOK, SEK, CHF, EUR, JPY, etc.
Begin your payment journey with UQPAY from here
Submit information and documentation about your business for approval
Access the UQPAY Merchant System and apply for your preferred Web Payment Products
Start accepting payments on your website with UQPAY.